Home Ownership Made Easy, (HOME) is a 501(c)3 non-profit housing corporation dedicated to providing housing opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. A developmental disability includes but is not limited to intellectually challenged, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, and conditions similar. To do this, HOME accesses all available municipal, state, federal and private resources that serve these consumers by building successful relationships and pursuing all funding opportunities. Our goals are achieved through the combined efforts of teamwork, advocacy, and action, ensuring alternative housing opportunities today and in the future.
Founded in 1989, HOME works in collaboration with the Westside Regional Center (WRC) and South Central Regional Center (SCLARC), part of the State of California network of public agencies that provide support to the developmentally disabled community. Over the last 26 years, HOME has developed, acquired, rehabilitated, and created 73 units of affordable housing for individuals with developmental disabilities, living primarily on the West Side and South Central areas of Los Angeles.
““HOME makes you feel really independent. If it wasn’t for HOME, I would probably still be out there searching for a home.””
Linda, HOME Tenant and Board Member
““As I think about the future for my own son I am glad there is a place like HOME and I am glad to be a part of it. ”
Woody and Maksim are ready for hockey season.
HOME’s mission is to create an independent, empowering living experience for persons and families with developmental disabilities. HOME will seek to increase local, statewide, federal and private resources that serve disabled consumers and maintain an independent, affordable living environment by developing alternative housing opportunities for persons with disabilities.
There are currently 18,668 Los Angeles residents with developmental disabilities who are clients of either the WRC or the SCLARC. Of the 10,662 regional center clients who are over the age of 18, only 1,583 are living independently while a total of 6,835 are still living with parents or other family members. Studies have shown that having adult children with developmental disabilities remaining at home into adulthood puts enormous strain on the family and leads to a high rate of divorce and/or serious health problems. Moreover, it is clearly not a permanent solution. The high cost of rental housing in Southern California, coupled with the extremely low income of the developmentally disabled child whose only income is typically Social Security, are what make finding a permanent solution to independent living so elusive.
HOME strives to fill this need on the Westside and in South Central by acquiring housing that is stable, affordable, and safe. Stable, so that individuals with developmental disabilities can use the security and responsibilities of a permanent home to reach their full potential. Affordable, so that people with developmental disabilities can have the dignity of supporting themselves. Safe, so that individuals with developmental disabilities can experience the right to feel secure in their homes.
To this end, HOME and its affiliates currently own and manage forty-two properties with a total of 73 units that house approximately 150 residents. Additionally, by leveraging a variety of funding sources, HOME is able to provide affordable housing in desirable areas, located near great amenities such as grocery stores, and public transportation. The housing staff works in collaboration with the resident's support team to ensure that they lead active and healthy lives in their communities. We also assist families in navigating the often complicated bureaucracy of the housing system. Most important, we help create a sense of community among our residents. Our immediate goal is to purchase single-family houses and duplexes, as well as multi-family apartment developments. In the longer term, HOME plans to acquire larger multi-family apartments to have the capacity to develop rental housing on our own to serve the needs of the disabled population.
Today, HOME has a waiting list of over 100 individuals who have an aspiration to live on their own and experience independence. HOME works with local cities, legislators, and statewide housing consortium (such as the Lanterman Housing Alliance) to help meet the high demand for affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities. We also need your support to help with this important work. Funds and grants are an integral part and necessary for down payments, closing costs to purchase new properties in addition to household repairs, upkeep appliances, and furniture. HOME operates two housing programs:
Rental Program
The Rental Program provides affordable rental housing opportunities for approximately 150 individuals in 42 properties. To make them accessible, most of our units receive HUD Section 811 rental subsidies which guarantee a tenant will pay no more than 30% of his/her monthly income. An individual who typically receives $909.00 in Supplemental Security Income and/or Social Security benefits will pay an average of $273.00 per month in rent (based on 30% of social security benefits).
Group Homes
The State Licensed Residential homes, otherwise known as Community Placement Plan (CPP), are single family 3-4 bedroom homes purchased by HOME and leased to a licensed service provider. The Service Providers assist individuals in transitioning from a Developmental Center to integrate fully into the community. The regional center clients living in a CPP home receive 24-hour support to help them with medical or behavioral challenges.
The HOME Team
The HOME staff composition includes an Executive Director, Accountant, Tenant Coordinator, Property Manager, Maintenance Technician, Administrative Assistant, and a part-time Office Assistant. HOME has been able to execute contracts with two of twenty-one Regional Centers in California while managing all aspects of the acquisition, financing, and development of affordable housing throughout Los Angeles County. To complete these projects, HOME works with real estate professionals, architects, and contractors who have knowledge and experience in the areas of universal design, accessibility, and rehabilitation.
HOME’s operating revenue consists primarily of fees for housing services, donations, foundation and government grants, and management fees related to the management of fourteen affiliated corporations.
The key to our success has been the dedication, hard work, and leadership provided by the Board of Directors and the ongoing support from our dedicated and experienced housing staff. The consistent support from our financial partners and grantors has enabled HOME to grow and accomplish its mission of providing affordable housing to individuals with developmental disabilities
Caroline House - Culver City, CA
Chad, Resident with his staff
Christine, Resident
Aerick Apartments - Inglewood, CA